24-25 BMS Handbook

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*Additional infractions will be addressed through a teacher referral, Administrative Action and Parent Contact.

Late Arrival (to the building) - Students must be present a certain amount of time to be counted for attendance. Any student arriving

10 minutes or less will report to class and receive a tardy for that hour. Any student arriving more than 10 minutes late to the

building after the building start time must report to the main office to be accounted for and will be marked absent for that hour.


Warrior Bucks

Students who follow school wide behavior expectations will be awarded periodically by Warrior Bucks, which can be traded in for

raffles and other prizes.

Cedar Point

All students who qualify will be invited to attend a trip to Cedar Point (or comparable outing) as planned by the Brownstown Middle

School’s administration and staff.


1. Students who have accumulated four (4) days or less in absences throughout the entire school year.

2. Students must have no suspensions for the year. This includes in-house suspensions, out of building suspensions, and bus

transportation suspensions.

3. If students are suspended after the initial list has been established, those students will not be allowed to participate. Students

will not be allowed to participate in the annual outing if they are suspended.


A student will be eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity if they can demonstrate at least a 1.67 GPA, (using a twelve (12)

factor system: A=4.00, A-= 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3, B- = 2.67, C+ = 2.33, C= 2.00, C- = 1.67, D+ = 1.33, D = 1.00, D- = .67, and E=

0) and a passing grade in five (5) out of six (6) classes. A grade of “E” or “W'' is not considered a passing grade.

A student with a grade point of 1.33 to 1.66 on a twelve (12) factor system and who have passed five (5) out of six (6) courses

during the previous trimester may apply through the building administrator for a probationary status. These standards will be

evaluated at the end of six (6) weeks and the student athlete must maintain a grade of “C-” or better on a twelve (12) factor system

in all classes. A student who does not meet the requirements will be ineligible for the remainder of the trimester. A student may

apply for probationary status once per school year.

For a student to be able to participate in an extra-curricular activity on a given day, they must be in attendance for the full school

day, other than for documented reasons with prior exception and/or approved by an administrator.



In order for a student to be considered for membership in the National Junior Honor Society, several requirements must be met. A

student must be in attendance at Brownstown Middle School for at least two consecutive Trimesters and earn a minimum

cumulative grade point average of (3.7). The student must complete both a written essay on their character and citizenship, and

the Student Activity Information Form, which lists their service and leadership experience. The faculty advisor and selected

member from the building will review each candidate’s submitted information. Candidates receiving a simple majority vote by the

members of the Faculty Council will be inducted into the Brownstown Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society in

late spring.



Winter 1

Winter 2



boys’ basketball

girls’ basketball

boys’ baseball

girls’ volleyball



girls’ softball

cross country

boys’ track


girls’ track


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