24-25 Elementary Handbook

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Elementary School

Student/Parent Handbook

Woodhaven-Brownstown School District

Welcome to our Elementary School. All the members of the staff and I are pleased to have you as a student

and we will do our best to help make your experience as productive and successful as you wish to make it.

Bates Elementary,

Cherie Godfrey, Principal

734 692 2217

Erving Elementary,

Caterina Berry, Principal

734 692 2212

Gudith Elementary,

Thomas Martin, Principal

734 783 5386

Wegienka Elementary,

Michelle Briegel, Principal

734 783 3367

Yake Elementary,

Timothy Podlewski, Principal

734 692 2230

Mark Greathead, Superintendent of Schools 734 783 3300

Woodhaven-Brownstown School District


Parents/Guardians and Students:

To make the school year more productive and more satisfying, it is important to understand the rules and

procedures of our Elementary Schools. Please read this Student/Parent Handbook. In this handbook is the

Student Code of Conduct. These rules support our efforts to maintain a safe, secure, comfortable learning

environment for ALL children.

After reading and reviewing this handbook with your child(ren), please sign this cover sheet and have your

son/daughter return this cover page to his/her teacher. Each student must return a copy to their teacher.

By signing below, we acknowledge that both the parent and the student have read (or discussed) this

Student/Parent Handbook and understand the appropriate behaviors expected of all students.

Student Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________

Parent Signature ______________________________________________ Date ___________

Adopted by the Board of Education on ________________________.

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