24-25 WUE Handbook

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Directory information may be provided upon request to any individual,

other than a for profit organization, even without the written consent of

a parent. Parents may refuse to allow the district to disclose any or all of

such “directory information” upon written notification to the district. For

further information about the items included within the category of

directory information and instructions on how to prohibit its release you

may wish to consult the district’s annual Family Education Rights and

Privacy Act (FERPA) notice.

Access to all student records is protected by (FERPA) and Michigan law.

Except in certain circumstances as defined in State and Federal law, the

District may not release confidential education records to any outside

individual or organization without the prior written consent of the

parents, or the adult student, or a graduate of the district. The district is

not allowed to release a student’s social security number. Examples of

other confidential records include test scores, psychological reports,

behavioral data, disciplinary records, and communications with family

and outside service providers.

Parents and eligible students have the right to review, amend, and

receive copies of all educational records.

Costs for copies of records

may be charged to the parent. A written request to amend a record must

be made to the building principal.

To review student records please

provide a written request to the building principal. You will be given an

appointment with the appropriate person to answer any questions and

to review the requested student records.

Consistent with the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) and

Board Policy, parents have the right to inspect, upon request, a survey or

evaluation created by an outside party before the survey/evaluation is

administered or distributed by the school to the student. The parent will

have access to the survey/evaluation within a reasonable period of time

after the request is received by the building principal.

The Family Policy Compliance Office in the U.S. Department of Education

administers both FERPA and PPRA.

Parents and/or eligible students

who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW 20202-4605, Washington, D.C.


Informal inquiries may be sent to the Family Policy Compliance Office via

the following email addresses:

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