24-25 WHS Handbook

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Fight, Woodhaven Warriors

We’re proud to sing your song,

Charge Woodhaven Warriors,

You’re brave and true and strong,

Win Woodhaven Warriors,

We’ll always loyal be,

To the victors mighty in a victory.

Onward team.


The Board of Education declares it to be the policy of this District to provide an equal opportunity for all

students, regardless of race, color, creed, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, age, national origin, place of

residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic background, to learn through the

curriculum offered in this District.

Any person who believes that s/he has been discriminated against on the basis of their race, color, disability,

religion, gender, or national origin, while at school or a school activity should immediately contact the School

District’s Compliance Officer listed below:

Greg Roberts

Director of Human Resources


Complaints will be investigated in accordance with the procedures as described in Board Policy 8000.

Any student making a complaint or participating in a school investigation will be protected from any

threat or retaliation.

The Compliance Officer can provide additional information concerning equal access to educational



WHS Website: https://www.mywbsd.org/whs

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woodhaven.high/


The Board of Education believes that durable and significant learning by a student is more likely to occur

when there is an effective partnership between the school and the student’s parents/guardians ("parents").

Such a partnership means a mutual belief in and commitment to significant educational goals for a student, a

plan for the means to accomplish those goals, cooperation on developing and implementing solutions to

problems that may be encountered and continuing communication regarding the progress in accomplishing

the goal(s). To this end, parents should be meaningfully involved in:

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