Must Wear
Top - Shirt that consists of fabric that covers front, back, sides, and have straps/sleeves that cover undergarments
Bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts) - Must cover buttocks and undergarments
May Wear:
Hoodie sweatshirts (hood must remain off)
Ripped jeans (as long as buttocks and undergarments are not exposed)
Tank tops (as long as undergarments are covered)
Cannot Wear:
Head coverings except for cultural/religious headwear
Crop tops/Belly shirts – Shirts not covering full front/backs/sides
Violent language or images
Images that depict drugs, alcohol, or other illegal items/activities
Hate speech, profanity, or pornography
Images that create a hostile or intimidating environment
Bathing suits or visible undergarments
Undergarments as tops or bottoms
Chains, pointed rings, spikes, danglies, are not permitted in school.
Jackets larger or bulkier than varsity jackets or trench style jackets are not allowed to be worn during the school day.
Every accident that occurs on school grounds during the school day or at any school sponsored activity should be reported
immediately to the person in charge and to the school office.
1. Depositing all lunch litter in wastebaskets, and place recycled containers in boxes provided.
2. Leaving the table and floor around your area in a clean condition for others. No food may be taken from the cafeteria.
3. Book bags and sports bags are not allowed in the cafeteria during lunch.
During lunches, students are allowed to use ONLY the restrooms directly across from the cafeteria.
In order to ride a different bus, each student requesting a change in bus transportation must turn in a note dated and signed by a parent
or guardian. The note must provide a contact phone number for verification, and must be turned in to the Assistant Principal’s office in
the morning. Permission may or may not be granted, and is at the discretion of the administrator.
The use of the Woodhaven-Brownstown School District’s Technology and Internet access is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate
use may result in loss of that privilege as well as consequences defined in the Woodhaven-Brownstown School District’s Code of
Student Conduct. The administration of the Woodhaven-Brownstown School District will deem what is appropriate and their
decision is final. The administration, faculty, and staff may request that the privilege be denied, revoked, or suspended for
inappropriate use. Students and parents must review, sign, and return to the school yearly the school district’s “Acceptable Use