24-25 BMS Handbook

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The Woodhaven-Brownstown School District uses a filtering program which prevents students from accessing inappropriate areas

on the Internet. The district’s web browser accesses filtering software that complies with the Children’s Internet Protection Act



The student who possesses a cellular phone or ECD/ESD shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the

school be responsible for preventing theft, loss, or damage to cell phone or ECD/ESD brought onto its property. At no

time will the office staff be responsible for searching for lost ECD/ESDs.

A student may possess a cell phone, electronic communication device, I Pod, MP3 or similar electronic storage device. During

school hours the cell phone, other ECD/ESD or other electronic device including a camera must remain off and in your locker

unless expressly permitted by a teacher or building administrator.

Therefore, electronic communication devices that are seen or heard during school hours will be confiscated and students will be

*disciplined. Any confiscated device(s) must be picked up from the school by a parent or guardian. Any student who refuses to

hand over a communication device when asked to do so by a staff member will be subject to disciplinary action.


First Offense: Device will be taken and held in the main office until school is dismissed + Warning from Principal

Second Offense: Device will be taken and held in the main office until school is dismissed + Lunch Detention

Third Offense: Device will be taken and held in the main office until school is dismissed + 1 hour After School Detention

Fourth Offense: Device will be taken and held in the main office until school is dismissed + 2 hour After School Detention

Fifth Offense: Device will be taken and held in the main office until school is dismissed +

Referral to Administration for Consequence & parent must come into the school to pick up phone from the principal


Beverage bottles and cans are not allowed out of the cafeteria. All bottles and cans are to be deposited in a box in the cafeteria.

Beverages may be brought from home in a thermos or throw away container. Open containers in lockers bring ants and create a

health or cleanliness problem.


Students are not permitted in the halls during class periods unless they are accompanied by a teacher or have a hall pass from an

authorized staff member.

Restrooms may be used before and after school, between class periods and at the beginning or end of the lunch period. Students

are expected to keep them clean. If a student is feeling ill, they should report to the main office. Do not remain in the restroom.


1. Keep corridors open to traffic by walking to the right. Do not block traffic by standing in groups.

2. Pass through corridors quietly. Be considerate of others in the halls and classrooms.

3. Discard trash in the containers provided. Keep the school clean by picking up paper from the floors.

4. Leave the school building immediately after dismissal unless under the supervision of a teacher.


When it’s necessary to modify bus transportation or close schools due to inclement weather, tune to one of the following stations:

Radio: WXYT (am 1270), WWJ (am 950), WJR (760)

Cable: School Access Channel

Website: mywbsd.org


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