Each student will be assigned a locker with a combination lock when school begins each fall. There is no charge for use of the
locker, except if the locker is damaged. Students are advised not to share the locker combination with anyone.
Only the student(s) assigned to a locker are to have the combination. The student is responsible for the locker and school district
property within the locker. All lockers are the sole property of the school district. Lockers are assigned to students for the purpose
of storing supplies, clothes, and other items necessary for the student’s education and physical well-being. School authorities
respect the rights of all students with regard to their property. Searches of lockers may be conducted, but will be limited to
instances when:
1. Students are suspected of using their locker for an illegal purpose or when suspicion of law violation is present.
2. Students are believed to be using their locker in such a way that would interfere with the learning atmosphere or the duty of
school authorities. Periodic locker checks will be conducted to ensure that media books and other school property is returned.
3. Students are using their locker to endanger the health and safety of other persons.
School Administration has the right to and will search all lockers in an emergency situation.
No student will be allowed to leave school prior to dismissal time without consent of a parent, guardian, or emergency contact.
Students will only be released upon verification of a photo ID. If a student must leave the building because of illness or any other
emergency, a parent or designee (the designee must be listed on the student’s emergency card) must sign out the student in the
Main Office. Failure to follow the proper procedure will be considered skipping. In an effort to maintain an effective functioning
school, students may not be released from school within thirty (30) minutes of the end of the day, except for emergency
Parent/Guardian Responsibility
If a student is unable to attend school or any part of the school day, it is the parent's responsibility to notify the school
office by phone or through Parent Portal prior to or on the day of the student's absence. In those cases, when the call is
recorded, the recording will be used to verify receipt of the phone call.
All students will be issued a handbook/planner in the fall at no cost. Student planners are used for recording assignments and for
receiving hallway passes from a classroom teacher. Planners can also be used to foster communication between parents and
teachers. There will be a $5.00 charge for replacing or purchasing the handbook/planner. Planners can be purchased in the main
Students are encouraged not to bring items of value to school. Items such as jewelry, expensive clothing, electronic equipment,
and the like, are tempting targets for theft and extortion. The school cannot be responsible for their safe-keeping and will not be
liable for loss or damage to personal valuables. At no time shall the school be responsible for preventing or investigating theft, loss,
or damage to student valuables. Students who find lost articles are asked to take them to the main office, where they can be
claimed by the owner.
Our school is fortunate in having capable people to help whenever our regular teachers are ill or attending conferences. A guest
teacher’s impression of BMS is important, and will be carried into the community. Be certain these are good impressions by being
polite, helpful and considerate.
Students may use an office phone in case of verified illness or emergency. Calls must be limited in their duration and students must
ask permission to use the phone.