24-25 Elementary Handbook

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Optimal school achievement is obtained when students experience success in their daily activities and build upon successful experiences as

they encounter new learning situations. All aspects of the student must be considered as grade placements are made. Policy 5410

establishes criteria for promotion, placement, and retention.




Occurs when a student is doing the caliber of work (grade level) that indicates the student has met the criteria established in Policy

5410 and restated below.



Occurs when a student is not doing the caliber of work that indicates the student should be promoted to the next grade. However,

the professional staff recommends and the building administrator concurs and the parent agrees, that it is in the student’s best interest to move

to the next grade.



Occurs when a student is not doing the caliber of work that indicates the student should be promoted to the next grade,

based on the recommendation of the professional staff with the concurrence of the building administrator and the parent.

Criteria for Consideration

1. current level of achievement

2. potential for success at the next level

3. emotional, physical, and/or social maturity

Timeline for Elementary Grade Placement Changes


Before Parent/Teacher Conference: Principal will review grade placement procedures with teachers.


October-January: Teacher should inform parents of student progress.


Early March: Teacher will notify principal, if an alternative grade placement or retention is being considered. The Student

Intervention Team will be convened by the principal.


Early April: If placement or retention is still being considered, parents should be notified by this time and commitment to the decision



May-June: Decision on placement or retention is made and student Grade Placement Recommendation is completed.


The principal will assign each student to the appropriate classroom to ensure a balanced program.


To measure student progress, students take classroom assessments periodically in each subject during the school year. These tests monitor

progress and determine mastery levels as well as determine instructional needs and assign grades. Teachers select and prepare these tests.

Students also take state and district mandated tests periodically during the school year.

SECTION IV- Attendance

The administration and faculty believe that classroom experience and teacher-student interaction are essential components of learning. The promotion of

lifelong habits of self-discipline, good attendance, and punctuality is important in the development of a productive student and citizen.

The attendance policy is based on the State Law of Michigan which requires, "every parent, guardian, or other person in this State, having control and charge

of any child between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (16) years, shall send that child to the public schools during the entire school year. The child's attendance

shall be continuous and consecutive for the school year fixed by the School District in which the child is enrolled."




An absence is any day that a student misses school. Absence is anytime a student misses 30 minutes or more in any half day period (am or pm).


Excused Absence

Any medically documented absence, funeral days, or other absence approved by the attendance office will not be counted against the student in the ten (10)

day limitation.


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