A video monitoring system may be used on school busses and a video monitoring system may be used in public areas of the school building.
These systems have been put in place to protect students, staff, visitors, and school property. If a discipline problem is captured on videotape,
that recording may be used as the basis for imposing student discipline. If criminal conduct is recorded, law enforcement personnel may view
the footage. Videos may not be released or seen without administrative permission.
Visitors, especially parents and guardians, are welcome at the school. Visitors and volunteers will be required to bring in state issued
identification that will be digitally scanned to create visitor passes. IF a person wishes to confer with a member of the staff, they should call for
an appointment prior to coming to the school, in order to schedule a mutually convenient time.
An unauthorized person is one found in the building without a visitor pass, who does not have lawful business to pursue at school, or who acts
in a manner that disturbs the normal education function of the school. The school administration has the right to seek the immediate removal of
unauthorized persons from the school property. This includes students who are under suspension or expulsion.
We recognize that certain programs and activities (including lunch visits with your student) can be enhanced through the use of volunteers who
have particular knowledge or skills that will be helpful to members of the support staff responsible for the conduct of those programs and
activities. In order to properly monitor the safety of students and staff, volunteers will submit to an ICHAT(electronic) background check two
weeks prior to volunteering in the School. For out-of-state and overnight trips requires additional background screening.
Before any student may take advantage of the School’s computer network and the internet, s/he and his/her parents must sign an agreement
which defines the conditions under which the student may participate. Failure to abide by all of the terms of the agreement may lead to
termination of the student’s computer account and possible disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct or referral to law
enforcement authorities. Copies of the School District’s Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use And Safety Policy and the requisite
student and parent agreement will be distributed every school year.
Field trips are academic activities that are held off school grounds. No student may participate in any school-sponsored trip without parental
consent. Attendance and school rules apply during all field trips.
The purpose of a grade is to indicate the extent to which the student has acquired the necessary learning. Students will receive a report card at
the end of each marking period indicating their grades for that time period. When a student appears to be at risk of failure, teachers will notify
parents so they can talk with the teacher about what actions can be taken to improve poor grades.